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Megjelent Hajdu Tamás, Kertesi Gábor és Szabó Bence közös tanulmánya a Scientific Reports folyóiratban

Poor housing quality and the health of newborns and young children

Tamás Hajdu, Gábor Kertesi & Bence Szabó


This study uses linked administrative data on live births, hospital stays, and census records for children born in Hungary between 2006 and 2011 to examine the relationship between poor housing quality and the health of newborns and children aged 1–2 years. We show that poor housing quality, defined as lack of access to basic sanitation and exposure to polluting heating, is not a negligible problem even in a high-income EU country like Hungary. This is particularly the case for disadvantaged children, 20–25% of whom live in extremely poor-quality homes. Next, we provide evidence that poor housing quality is strongly associated with lower health at birth and a higher number of days spent in inpatient care at the age of 1–2 years. These results indicate that lack of access to basic sanitation, hygiene, and non-polluting heating and their health impacts cannot be considered as the exclusive problem for low- and middle-income countries. In high-income countries, there is also a need for public policy programs that identify those affected by poor housing quality and offer them potential solutions to reduce the adverse effects on their health.


Megjelent Csercsik Dávid és szerzőtársa tanulmánya a The Energy Journal folyóiratban

A Solidarity Mechanism to Allocate Stored Natural Gas in Crisis

Dávid Csercsik, Anne Neumann

The interruption of natural gas flows via pipeline to Europe in 2022 has demonstrated that supply crises pose a threat. Although member states have demonstrated unity and solidarity, they could be better prepared to respond to such challenges. Currently, member states fill their natural gas storages independently. Cooperation and solidarity could deliver better outcomes by allowing the accumulated reserves of one or more members to be potentially redistributed to help others in need. In this paper we propose some possible guidelines for a potential solidarity framework based on voluntary participation. We argue that the proposed framework can mitigate the risk of supply-disruption of participants and formalize a game-theoretic model in order to capture the basic features of the problem. We demonstrate the operation of the approach using a simple example with risk-averse participants.
JEL Classification: C51, C63, C72, L95, Q40

Megjelent Bakucs Zoltán és Fertő Imre tanulmánya az International Journal of Wine Business Research folyóiratban

The geography of the craft beer scene in Budapest

Zoltán Bakucs – Imre Fertő


International Journal of Wine Business Research

Emerald Publishing Limited

Article publication date: 6 June 2024


This paper aims to investigate the locational determinants of the craft beer industry in Budapest, Hungary, between 2009 and 2022.

The authors use various count data models to determine the relationship between the number of microbreweries and locational factors.

The authors find that demand and supply-side factors, including income, unemployment, level of education, population density and the number of local businesses, affect the number of craft breweries. Whilst agglomeration effects proxied by breweries per capita in a district have a positive coefficient, the number of breweries in neighbouring districts is not significant. In addition, the authors do not observe any negative impact of COVID-19-related restrictions. The picture of a still-evolving, resilient craft beer sector emerges from our analysis.

To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the first specific studies on the craft beer sector in the Central and Eastern European region and the first to evaluate the location choices of craft breweries in Hungary within a municipality using an up-to-date data set. The authors’ analysis covers 14 years, from the early stages of craft brewery proliferation in Budapest until 2022, testing several hypotheses with respect to the location choices of these businesses.

Keywords: Craft breweries, Entry, Locational factors, Hungary



Megjelent Csáji Gergely és szerzőtársai tanulmánya a European Journal of Combinatorics folyóiratban

Permutation Tutte polynomial

Csongor Beke, Gergely Kál Csáji, Péter Csikvári, Sára Pituk


The classical Tutte polynomial is a two-variate polynomial 𝑇𝐺(𝑥,𝑦) associated to graphs or more generally, matroids. In this paper, we introduce a polynomial 𝑇˜𝐻(𝑥,𝑦) associated to a bipartite graph 𝐻 that we call the permutation Tutte polynomial of the graph 𝐻. It turns out that 𝑇𝐺(𝑥,𝑦) and 𝑇˜𝐻(𝑥,𝑦) share many properties, and the permutation Tutte polynomial serves as a tool to study the classical Tutte polynomial. We discuss the analogues of Brylawsi’s identities and Conde–Merino–Welsh type inequalities. In particular, we will show that if 𝐻 does not contain isolated vertices, then𝑇˜𝐻(3,0)𝑇˜𝐻(0,3)≥𝑇˜𝐻(1,1)2,which gives a short proof of the analogous result of Jackson:𝑇𝐺(3,0)𝑇𝐺(0,3)≥𝑇𝐺(1,1)2for graphs without loops and bridges. We also give improvement on the constant 3 in this statement by showing that one can replace it with 2.9243.


Megjelent Bareith Tibor és Fertő Imre tanulmánya a Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies folyóiratban

Monetary policy and food price inflation: the case of Hungary

Tibor Bareith – Imre Fertő


Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies

Article publication date: 31 May 2024

Emerald Publishing Limited

We analyze the role of monetary policy shocks on food inflation in Hungary from January 2007 to March 2023, including the period of the COVID-19 crisis and the Russo–Ukrainian war.
We use quantile regression with three different specifications. The structural breaks in the time series and the monetary policy’s lag in response are also taken into account. We use the M0 money supply and the three-month Hungarian National Bank (MNB) deposit rate as monetary measures to check the robustness of our findings.
We find that neither the money supply nor the exchange rate affected food inflation across quantiles. In the case of high food price inflation, reducing short-term government bond yields may be an effective solution. Household final consumption affected food prices in the lower quantiles, and the global food price index similarly affected Hungarian food inflation. The results are robust to different specifications.
Research limitations/implications
This research has limitations as follows: while Hungary’s food prices provide a valuable case study, expanding to more countries is advisable; although quantile regression captures details, its reliability for non-linear relationships is questionable; additionally, considering various global food price indicators can enhance result robustness.
The paper contributes to the longstanding political debate regarding the effectiveness of monetary policy in stabilizing food inflation. The findings emphasize the importance of considering both domestic and global factors in formulating policy responses to food price dynamics.

Keywords: Food prices, Inflation, Monetary policy, Quantile regression


Megjelent Fertő Imre, Štefan Bojnec és szerzőtársaik cikke az Agricultural Systems folyóiratban

Why do corporate farms survive in Central and Eastern Europe?

Imre Fetrő, Štefan Bojnec. Ichiro Iwasaki, Yoshisada Shida
  • The corporate farm survival may be one of the main drivers of changes in agricultural systems.

  • The survival of corporate farms may be associated with farm- and agricultural industry-specific, and other exogenous factors.

  • The legal format, ownership structure, and corporate finance indicators are relevant to corporate farm survival.

  • The agricultural factor endowments exhibit economically meaningful association with the survival probability.


This article examines the process of the transformation of agricultural systems in post-communist Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. It focuses on the survival of large agricultural firms, known as corporate farms, during periods of economic liberalization, privatization, land reform, and the restructuring of economies and the agricultural sector. The survival of corporate farms plays a significant role in driving structural changes within the farming sector and facilitating the transition from centrally planned to market-driven farming systems in the respective countries.


The study investigates the factors correlated to the survival of corporate farms based on cross-country data analysis for 17 CEE countries. The survival of corporate farms can be correlated with a combination of farm-specific characteristics, sector-specific factors within the agricultural industry, country-specific natural and other resource endowments, and external factors related to a conducive economic environment.


The study examines the viability of corporate farms by utilizing a comprehensive dataset encompassing 17 CEE countries between 2007 and 2019. The accelerated failure time model is employed to estimate the survival probabilities of these farms. The study uses the Nelson-Aalen estimator to calculate the cumulative hazard function and Kaplan-Meier survival function. Additionally, the baseline estimation of the two-level mixed-effects Weibull accelerated failure time model is utilized. Furthermore, estimations are conducted under various assumptions regarding sample restriction to ensure the robustness of the results.


We find remarkable differences in corporate farm survival rates among 17 CEE countries. We document that legal format, ownership structure, and corporate finance indicators are highly relevant to corporate farm survival. Estimations reveal the non-linear correlation between corporate-farm size and age and their survival. We show that agricultural factor endowments and agricultural trade openness exhibit statistically significant and economically meaningful correlations with the survival probability of the sample farms.


Farm-, sector- and country-specific factors play a crucial role in agri-food production, as well as regional and global food security. Diverse agricultural system structures may be associated with distinct farm attributes, various agricultural sector- and country-specific factors, and diverse allocations of agricultural resources. Better agricultural factor endowments and a conducive macroeconomic environment can foster comparative advantages and enhance corporate farm viability and survival. The findings of this study may be of significance to scholars and practitioners who are interested in comprehending the shifts in agricultural farm structures within agricultural systems.


Megjelent Hajdu Tamás tanulmánya az Economics & Human Biology folyóiratban

Temperature exposure and sleep duration: Evidence from time use surveys

Tamás Hajdu

  • This paper examines the effect of temperature on sleep duration.

  • Exposure to heat reduces the amount of time spent sleeping.

  • The effect of heat wave days is much stronger.

  • The sleep loss is especially large on weekends.

  • The effects are stronger for older people, people with less education and men.


The Earth’s climate is projected to warm significantly in the 21st century, and this will affect human societies in many ways. Since sleep is a basic human need and part of everyone’s life, the question of how temperature affects human sleep naturally arises. This paper examines the effect of daily mean temperature on sleep duration using nationally representative Hungarian time use surveys between 1976 and 2010. Compared to a day with an average temperature of 5–10 °C, colder temperatures do not influence sleep duration. However, as daily mean temperatures rise, sleep duration starts to strongly decline. The effect of a hot (>25 °C) day is −13.3 minutes, but if preceded by a few other hot days, the effect is even stronger, −24.7 minutes. The estimated sleep loss is especially large on weekends and public holidays, for older individuals, and men. Combining the estimated effects with temperature projections of twenty-four climate models shows that the warming climate will substantially decrease sleep duration. The projected impacts are especially large when taking into account the effects of heatwave days. This study also shows that different groups in society are likely to be affected in significantly different ways by a warming climate.


Megjelent Biró Péter és szerzőtársai tanulmánya a Central European Journal of Operations folyóiratban

Published: 10 May 2024


In this paper we present simulations for international kidney exchange programmes (KEPs). KEPs are organised in more than ten countries in Europe to facilitate the exchanges of immunologically incompatible donors. The matching runs are typically conducted in every three months for finding optimal exchanges using hierarchical optimisation with integer programming techniques. In recent years several European countries started to organise international exchanges using different collaboration policies. In this paper we conduct simulations for estimating the benefits of such collaborations with a simulator developed by the team of the ENCKEP COST Action. We conduct our simulations on generated datasets mimicking the practice of the three largest KEPs in Europe, the UK, Spanish and the Dutch programmes. Our main performance measure is the number of transplants compared to the number of registrations to the KEP pools over a 5-year period, however, as a novelty we also analyse how the optimisation criteria play a role in the lexicographic and weighted optimisation policies for these countries. Besides analysing the performances on a single instance, we also conduct large number of simulations to obtain robust findings on the performance of specific national programmes and on the possible benefits of international collaborations.

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Megjelent Fertő Imre, Bakucs Zoltán és szerzőtársaik tanulmánya az Agris folyóiratban

Are Organic Farms Less Efficient? The Case of Estonian Dairy Farms

Fertő, I., Bakucs, Z., Viira, A.-H., Alekandrova, O., Luik-Lindsaar, H. and Omel, R.


The paper investigates the technical efficiency of conventional and organic dairy farms in Estonia in the period 2006‒2015 using Farm Accountancy Data Network. We analyse self-selection into organic farming using the propensity-score-matching approach and explicitly test the hypothesis that organic and conventional farms apply homogeneous technology. We find that organic farms are less efficient. However, the difference in technical efficiency between organic and conventional farms decreases substantially when the technical efficiency assessment incorporates the use of the appropriate technology. The lack of growth of technical efficiency over time indicates that there might be a lack of knowledge in organic milk production that hinders its development. Since technical efficiency increases with farm size, it is important that organic dairy farms increase their scale.


Production function, technical efficiency, milk production, propensity score matching.


Megjelent Biró Péter és Csáji Gergely cikke a Games and Economic Behavior folyóiratban

Strong core and Pareto-optimality in the multiple partners matching problem under lexicographic preference domains

Biró Péter & Csáji Gergely


We study strong core and Pareto-optimal solutions for multiple partners matching problem under lexicographic preference domains from a computational point of view. The restriction to the two-sided case is called stable many-to-many matching problem and the general one-sided case is called stable fixtures problem. We provide an example to show that the strong core can be empty even for many-to-many problems, and that deciding the non-emptiness of the strong core is NP-hard. On the positive side, we give efficient algorithms for finding a near feasible strong core solution and for finding a fractional matching in the strong core of fractional matchings. In contrast with the NP-hardness result for the stable fixtures problem, we show that finding a maximum size matching that is Pareto-optimal can be done efficiently for many-to-many problems. Finally, we show that for reverse-lexicographic preferences the strong core is always non-empty in the many-to-many case.


Megjelent Reiff Ádám és szerzőtársai tanulmánya a Perspectives on Politics folyóiratban

The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis and the Politics of Public Opinion: Evidence from Hungary

Thomas B. Pepinsky, Ádám Reiff, Krisztina Szabó


The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine was a watershed moment in European politics. The invasion prompted a massive influx of refugees into Central Europe, a region in which immigration has proven highly contentious and politically salient in recent decades. We study public opinion toward refugees in Hungary, a highly exclusionary political environment in which anti-migrant and anti-refugee sentiments are commonly invoked by the ruling government. Combining historical public opinion data from the past decade with two rounds of original survey data from 2022, we demonstrate that the Ukrainian refugee crisis was accompanied by a large increase in tolerance for refugees, reversing what had previously been one of the most anti-refugee public opinion environments in Europe. To explain this reversal, we use a series of survey experiments coupled with detailed settlement-level demographic data to investigate how conflict proximity and racial, religious, and national identity shape openness to refugees. We find that the distinguishing feature of the 2022 refugee crisis was that refugees were mostly white European Christians driven from their home country by conflict. We discuss the implications of our argument for Hungary, for European politics in times of crisis, and for the politics of public opinion in competitive authoritarian regimes.


Megjelent Fertő Imre és Štefan Bojnec közös tanulmánya a Scientific Reports folyóiratban

Empowering women in sustainable agriculture

Fertő Imre & Štefan Bojnec


The agricultural and rural development policy seeks to facilitate the transition towards environmentally sustainable and climate-neutral agricultural practices, with a focus on human capital, knowledge, and innovation. Gender equality can play a significant role in promoting environmentally sustainable practices in the agricultural sector, particularly through the adoption and implementation of agri-environment-climate schemes (AECS) in the context of farm, agricultural, and rural development. We examine the presence of gender bias in the adoption intensity of AECS by utilising farm-level data from Slovenia. We find that women on Slovenian farms engage in the adoption of AECS and receive subsidies, despite the presence of a gender gap in various agricultural factor endowment variables that typically favour men. The results of this study provide evidence in favour of promoting greater involvement and empowerment of women in the fields of green technology applications and green entrepreneurship, particularly with AECS practices