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Nemzetközi folyóiratcikkek

Megjelent Podruzsik Szilárd és szerzőtársa tanulmánya a Foundations of Management folyóiratban

Conflict Costs in National and International Business: A Comparative Analysis

Phyllis Dirrler, Szilárd Podruzsik


Studies presented the importance of conflict costs. Cultural diversity adds more complexity to working groups, fostering conflict. The aim of this research is to investigate how cultural diversity affects conflict costs, measured in terms of lost time & cost amplifiers. Data was collected through an online survey with 490 respondents for national conflicts and 185 respondents for culturally diverse conflict situations. The differences between the two groups are explored by examining their impact on conflict cost amplifiers and the costs themselves. We found that intercultural diversity increases the number of conflicts per year. However, cultural heterogeneity did not affect conflict intensity, duration or the time spent on cost variables. This research is the first one to investigate the effects of cultural diversity on different facets of conflict costs. The results demonstrate the potential, as well as the need for further research.


Megjelent Fertő Imre és Stefan Bojnec cikke a Wine Economics and Policy folyóiratban

Subsidies and the income inequality in the Hungarian wine sector

Imre Fertő, Stefan Bojnec




The paper investigates the impact of different sources of income on wine farm total income inequality in Hungary using Farm Accountancy Data Network data for the period 2013-2019. The decomposition of the Gini coefficient is applied to focus on the impact of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) shift from market to government budgetary support on wine farm total income inequality. Off-farm income has a rather stable impact on wine farm total income inequality. CAP Pillar 1 subsidies have remained more important than CAP Pillar 2 subsidies, both in the structure of wine farm total income and in the reduction of wine farm total income inequality. The most striking finding is regarding a shift in wine farm market income from a negative (losses) to a positive (profit) value and its increasing role in wine farm total income inequalities. The 20% of the largest wine farms created from almost 90% to less than 80% of wine farm total incomes between 2013 and 2019, but during the same period their participation in CAP subsidy payments was reduced much more from more than 80% to around 60%. Subsidies from Pillars 1 and 2 were reduced, and wine market income increased wine farm total income inequality, while it remained constant for off-farm income. The wine farm market income has driven wine farm total income inequalities. This might strengthen because of the ongoing market selection process with the exit of less efficient and loss-making wine farms and the increasing role of surviving profitable wine farms. This market selection process can be related to managerial, entrepreneurial, and innovation activities based on the differentiation and segmentation of wine farm products and their market incomes.


Megjelent Csercsik Dávid és szerzőtársai cikke a Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks folyóiratban

A potential framework for cross-zonal reserve procurement on European power exchanges based on robust optimization

Dániel Divényi, Ádám Sleisz, Péter Sőrés, Dávid Csercsik, Bálint Hartmann


In order to prepare for unexpected events in the power system, regulation reserves are routinely procured in advance. Economic considerations dictate that it is advantageous to perform reserve procurement and energy allocation on a joint market platform using a single clearing algorithm. Furthermore, it is also beneficial if the option exists to allocate resources between different bidding zones to alleviate local shortages and corresponding price pressures. The present paper proposes a solution algorithm for this task in a European market environment without unit commitment and uplift payments to non-convex bidders. The main challenge of cross-zonal reserve allocation arises from the fact that deployment decisions are not yet known, therefore the actual deployment flows are uncertain at the time of procurement. The proposed algorithm handles this issue with robust optimization techniques and provides a guarantee of feasible transmission limits for deployment i.e. reserve deliverability. The clearing model is formalized as a computationally efficient Mixed Integer Linear Problem; its exact equations are presented along with case studies for the purpose of demonstration. The research is part of the FARCROSS H2020 project of the European Union.


Keywords: Power exchange, Ancillary services, Network modeling, Robust optimization, Internal Energy Market


Megjelent Schlotter Ildikó és szerzőtársai tanulmánya a Mathematical Social Sciences folyóiratban

Computational complexity of necessary envy-freeness

Haris Aziz, Ildikó Schlotter, Toby Walsh


  • Envy-free allocation of indivisible items to a few agents is computationally hard.
  • Finding a necessarily envy-free allocation is NP-hard already for 3 agents.
  • For any n ≥ 3 , finding a necessarily envy-free allocation for agents is NP-hard.

We consider the fundamental problem of fairly allocating indivisible items when agents have strict ordinal preferences over individual items. We focus on the well-studied fairness criterion of necessary envy-freeness. For a constant number of agents, the computational complexity of the deciding whether there exists an allocation that satisfies necessary envy-freeness has been open for several years. We settle this question by showing that the problem is NP-complete even for three agents. Considering that the problem is polynomial-time solvable for the case of two agents, we provide a clear understanding of the complexity of the problem with respect to the number of agents.

Keywords: Fair division, Envy-freeness



Megjelent Szabó-Morvai Ágnes és Lovász Anna tanulmánya az Empirical Economics folyóiratban

Where can childcare expansion increase maternal labor supply? A comparison of quasi-experimental estimates from seven countries

Szabó-Morvai Ágnes, Lovász Anna


The estimated effect of childcare availability on maternal labor supply varies highly in previous single-country estimates. We provide comparable quasi-experimental estimates of the childcare effect for seven countries, using harmonized data and a uniform method based on country-specific childcare eligibility cutoffs. We evaluate the estimates in light of key institutional factors to determine under what conditions childcare expansion is likely to be effective. We propose a measure that captures childcare scarcity and predicts the effectiveness of childcare expansion: the gap between the participation rate of mothers with older children (aged 6–14) and childcare coverage under the age of 3. In countries with a high gap, we find that childcare availability has a significant positive impact on maternal labor supply (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic). No significant impact is found in countries where the gap is low due to either already high childcare coverage (France) or the low participation of mothers with older children (Greece, Italy). We discuss other policies that need to be addressed concurrently for childcare expansion to achieve its goal of increasing mothers’ participation in the labor market.


Megjelent Lengyel Balázs és szerzőtársai cikke a Research Policy folyóiratban

Atypical combinations of technologies in regional co-inventor networks

Milad Abbasiharofteh, Dieter F. Kogler, Balázs Lengyel


Novel combinations of technologies are usually the result of collaborative work that builds on existing knowledge. Albeit inventors and their respective communities tend to be specialized, inventor collaborations across differently specialized peers have the potential to generate co-inventor networks that provide access to a diverse set of knowledge and facilitate the production of radical novelty. Previous research has demonstrated that short access in large co-inventor networks enables innovative outcomes in regional economies. However, how connections in the network across different technological knowledge domains matter and what impact they might generate is still unknown. The present investigation focuses on ‘atypical’ combinations of technologies as indicated in patent documents. In particular, the role of technological specializations linked in co-inventor networks that result in radical innovation in European regions is analyzed. Our results confirm that the share of atypical patents is growing in regions where bridging ties establish short access to and across cohesive co-inventor sub-networks. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that the strong specialization of co-inventor communities in regions fosters atypical combinations because these communities manage to increase the scale and scope of novel combinations. Thus, bridges between communities that are specialized in different technologies favor atypical innovation outcomes. The work shows that not diversity per se, but links across variously specialized inventor communities can foster radical innovation.




Megjelent Fertő Imre és szerzőtársai új tanulmánya az Agricultural Economics cseh szakfolyóiratban

Regional trade agreements, globalization,
and global maize exports

András Bence Szerb, Arnold Csonka, Imre Fertő

Agricultural Economics
(published by the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences)

Online first article
Received: July 5, 2022
Accepted: September 15, 2022
Published online: October 21, 2022


Abstract: Globalisation is also having a profound impact on international agricultural trade. This study examines the impact of regional trade agreements (RTAs) and globalization on international maize trade using a gravity model for the period 1996–2020.
The results show that, despite globalization, distance has a larger negative impact on bilateral maize trade than on the manufacturing sector. It appears that distance remains an important factor in explaining trade flows in commodity markets, including maize. Our findings on the role of RTAs are in line with the results of previous studies: RTAs are generally preceded by a strengthening of bilateral trade relations. There is mutually positive feedback between the level of bilateral trade and RTA membership. However, the establishment of a common RTA membership and its trade-stimulating effects are not immediately visible.

Keywords: bilateral relationships; distance puzzle; econometrics; gravity model; international trade

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Laki Mihály tanulmánya megjelent a Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy folyóiratban

Generational Change in the Society of Hungarian Large Entrepreneurs:
Expected Developments

Mihaly Laki

Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Vol 13, No 1 (2022)


Based on previous fieldwork research we compare two generations of owner-managers of large and medium-size Hungarian privately owned companies. Members of the first group started business after the collapse of the socialist economy in 1989–1990. This group consists mainly of “privatisers” or successful players in the secondary economy. The members of the second group are successful younger entrepreneurs who started private businesses in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Concerning their managerial skills, business strategy, and cultural-political preferences we found remarkable differences between the two groups. Description and careful analysis of these differences may help us to explore the expected behavior of the new generation of entrepreneurs. A characteristic business strategy is a mixture of conflict avoidance and soft cooperation with the government. It remains an open question whether these behavioral modifications will be sufficient for survival and development or whether the autocratic system will force further changes in business behavior.

Keywords: private entrepreneurs, generation gap, business strategy, managerial skills



Nemzetközi folyóiratcikkek 2017/4


Baráth Lajos – Bokusheva, Raushan – Fertő Imre: Demand for farm insurance under financial constraints. Eastern European Economics, Vol. 55. No. 4. 2017. pp. 357-376.

Békés Gábor, Lionel Fontagné, Muraközy Balázs, Vincent Vicard: Shipment frequency of exporters and demand uncertainty. Review of World Economics Vol. 153. No. 4. 2017. pp. 779-807.

Benedek Zsófia, Bakucs Lajos Zoltán, Jan Fałkowski, Fertő Imre: Intra-European Union trade of dairy products: insights from network analysis. Studies in Agricultural Economics Vol. 119. No. 2. 2017. pp. 91-97.

Csercsik Dávid – Kóczy Á. László: Efficiency and stability in electrical power transmission networks : a partition function form approach. Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol. 17. No. 4. 2017. pp. 1161-1184.

Fertő Imre – Szerb András Bence: The role of food crisis and trade costs in the Hungarian maize exports. Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej, Vol. 353. No. 4. 2017. pp. 110-124.

Fertő Imre: Economic crisis and the fragility of world wine export. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 9. No. 4. 2017. pp. 25-32.

Király Júlia – Simonovits András: Mortgages denominated in domestic and foreign currencies : simple models. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 53. No. 7. 2017. pp. 1641-1653.

Laki Mihály: Hungarian Grand Entrepreneurs in the System of National Cooperation : the Chances of Civil/Bourgeois Development after 2010 (An Extension of Research). Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 8. No. 3. 2017. pp. 283-294.

Molnár György: Capability building combined with microcredit: the loan alone is insufficient. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship Vol. 8. No. 3. 2017. pp. 354-374.

Oblath Gábor: FDI flows and reinvested earnings: statistical measurement, perceptions and economic interpretation. Hungarian Statistical Review, Vol. 95. Spec. Iss. No. 21. 2017. pp. 48-77.

Potluka, Oto – Kálmán Judit – Musiałkowska, Ida – Idczak, Piotr: Non-profit leadership at local level : reflections from Central and Eastern Europe. Local Economy : The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, Vol. 32. No. 4. 2017. pp. 297-315.

Scheiring Gábor, Stefler Dénes, Darja Irdam, Fazekas Mihály, Aytalina Azarova, Irina Kolesnikova, Köllő János, Vladimir Popov, Szelenyi Iván, Michael Marmot, Michael Murphy, Martin McKee, Martin Bobak, Lawrence King: The gendered effects of foreign investment and prolonged state ownership on mortality in Hungary: an indirect demographic, retrospective cohort study. Lancet Global Health Vol. 6. No. 1. pp. 2018. e95-e102.