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Álláshirdetés projekt asszisztensi munkakör betöltésére Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Nekrológ - Virág Ildikó Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Megjelent Elekes Zoltán, Tóth Gergő és szerzőtársuk cikke a Regional Studies folyóiratban Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Tóth G. Csaba MTA Bolyai János Kutatási Ösztöndíjat nyert Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Tax Evasion and the Minimum Wage

Exploiting a change in reporting defaults and the implied audit threat in Hungary, we demonstrate that a substantial portion of employees and the self-employed reporting to earn the minimum wage have much higher earnings in reality. This can be seen from their sharp but temporary jump to the new reporting default, a twofold increase in […]

Conditional cooperation in group contests

In this paper we show experimentally that conditional cooperation, a phenomenon described in the private provision of public goods, is also present in group contests, where participants’ contributions to their group performance partially determines if they overcome a rival group. This environment allows us to identify new determinants of conditional cooperation. We observe conditional cooperation […]

A nők helyzete a közgazdaságtudományban, három visegrádi országban

Ez a tanulmány bemutatja a közgazdaságtudományi kutatói szakma területén tapasztalható nemek közötti egyenlőtlenségeket három visegrádi ország vonatkozásában. A foglalkoztatottság tekintetében a nemek közötti eltérés mértéke az élvonalba tartozó intézményekben megegyezik az Egyesült Államokban és más nyugati országokban tapasztalt mértékkel. A kevésbé előkelő helyre rangsorolt intézményekben azonban ez a különbség kisebb, sőt némely esetben a nők […]

Women in Economics in CEE

This paper shows descriptive evidence about the gender disparities in economics profession in three Visegrad countries. We show that the employment gender gap in highly ranked institutions is in par with the gap found in the United States and in other Western countries. However, the gap is smaller and sometimes even reversed at lower ranked […]

A közoktatási centralizáció hatása a diákok teljesítményére Magyarországon

  2013-ban széleskörű centralizációs folyamat indult el a magyar közoktatásban, melynek során minden, addig önkormányzati fenntartásban lévő iskola egy állami intézményfenntartó központhoz került. A tanulmány célja, hogy megvizsgálja ennek a centralizációs folyamatnak a diákok tesztpontszámaira gyakorolt hatását mind általános iskolai, mind pedig középiskolai szinten. További cél ezeknek a hatásoknak a szintén 2013-ban indult szakképzési reform […]

Income Tax Evasion: Tax Elasticity, Welfare, and Revenue

This paper provides a general equilibrium model of income tax evasion. As functions of the share of income reported, the paper contributes an analytic derivation of the tax elasticity of taxable income, the welfare cost of the tax, and government revenue as a percent of output. It shows how an increase in the tax rate […]

Opening up the black box: Interacting subspheres through enterprise entry and exit in China

In this paper, we scrutinize in the transforming party-state system of China the subtle dynamics of enterprise adaptation to state interventions, which react to hardening external and internal constraints. We use a comparative systemic framework that interprets adaptation in the context of system dynamics and transformation (Csanádi, 2006). We analyze a firm-level database of the […]

Does the unemployment rate moderate the well-being disadvantage of the unemployed? Within-region estimates from the European Social Survey

Using eight waves of the European Social Survey, we analysed how the local unemployment rate influences the well-being disadvantages of the unemployed. We estimate region fixed effects and slopes models that, unlike the standard region fixed effects approach, provide an unbiased estimate of the cross-level interaction term (the term between being unemployed and the unemployment […]


Social connections that reach distant places are advantageous for individuals and firms by providing access to new skills and knowledge. However, systematic evidence on how firms work up global knowledge access is still missing. In this paper, we analyse how global work connections relate to differences in the skill composition of employees within companies. We […]


The rollout of fifth generation mobile networks is progressing around the world, but 5G looks especially expensive compared to previous generations. Network sharing between two or more mobile operators is an obvious way to attain significant cost savings, but may also raise competition concerns. This paper first distinguishes between early and mature 5G, and then […]

Temperature, climate change and birth weight: Evidence from Hungary

We analyze the impact of in utero temperature exposure on the birth weight and prevalence of low birth weight using administrative data on singleton live births conceived between 2000 and 2016 in Hungary. We find that exposure to high temperatures during pregnancy decreases birth weight, but its impact on the probability of low birth weight […]