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Mi a csalás? Ki a csaló?... - Keller Tamás és Kiss Hubert János az ELTE Neveléstudományi Intézet podcastjában Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Kiderült, miért zöldebbek a nők által vezetett gazdaságok – Fertő Imre & Štefan Bojnec kutatási eredményei Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Öt kutatónk nyert vissza nem térítendő támogatást az NKFIH Nemzeti Kutatási Kiválósági Program 2024. évi témapályázatán Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Lindner Attila külső munkatársunk a Kézdi Gábor-díj idei nyertese Tovább olvasom

Tovább olvasom

Dissecting Global Value Chains: Evidence from the global automotive industry

The potential restructuring of global value chains (GVCs) is a widely discussed question in current debates. At the same time, a proper way of capturing these value chains is challenging. This paper focuses on the automotive industry, using detailed data on firm-to-firm transactions in Hungary, as well as on cross-border sales and purchases. Its aim […]

Egy korai francia szál David Ricardo adóelméletéhez

David Ricardo (és Adam Smith) adóelméletének interpretációja a mai napig angolszász szemléletű, noha fogantatása francia (is) volt. A történeti előzmények felelevenítésének szándékát megerősítette, hogy az utóbbi évtizedben egyre több szerző elmélettörténeti visszatekintéssel alapozza meg gondolatmenetét. A Smith és Ricardo nevével fémjelzett klasszikus iskoláig nyúlnak vissza. Hátterükben azonban ott voltak a fiziokraták, akiktől átvették adóelméletük lényegét, […]

The Labor Market and Fertility Impacts of Decreasing the Compulsory Schooling Age

While an extensive literature investigates the effects of longer schooling, we know very little about what happens when compulsory schooling is shortened. This paper looks at the effects of a reform in Hungary that decreased the school leaving age from 18 to 16. We show that the reform increased the probability of being neither in […]

Prices and Quantities of New Products Hungarian Firm and Product Level Data

This paper analyzes the driving factors of growth of quantities and prices of the new products for Hungarian firms between 2001 and 2016. It investigates how price levels are correlated with firm and market characteristics, and the time path of the share of new products. Larger and more productive firms were able to sell their […]

The effects of centralisation of school governance and funding on inequalities in education Lessons from a policy reform in Hungary

In 2013 the responsibility for school governance and funding has been transferred from local governments to a central government agency in Hungary. The key objectives of this reform, as stated by policy makers, was to mitigate interjurisdictional inequalities in education. This paper explores whether the reform had an equalizing effect on education resources on the […]

Intergenerational educational mobility – the role of non-cognitive skills

  While it has been shown that university attendance is strongly predicted by parental education, we know very little about why some potential ‘first in family’ or first-generation students make it to university and others do not. This paper looks at the role of non-cognitive skills in the university participation of this disadvantaged group in […]

Do co-worker networks increase or decrease productivity differences? An agent-based model

Do labor mobility, and co-worker networks contribute to convergence or divergence between regions? Based on the previous literature, labor mobility contributes to knowledge transfer between firms. Therefore, mobility may contribute to decreasing productivity differences, while limited mobility to sustaining higher differences. The effect of co-worker networks, however, can be twofold in this process. They transmit […]

Uniqueness of Clearing Payment Matrices in Financial Networks

We study bankruptcy problems in financial networks in the presence of general bankruptcy laws. The set of clearing payment matrices is shown to be a lattice, which guarantees the existence of a greatest and a least clearing payment. Multiplicity of clearing payment matrices is both a theoretical and a practical concern. We present a new […]

Financial crisis and inequality in Hungary

The goal of this paper is to analyze the connections Hungarian income and wealth distribution on the one hand, and the macroeconomics impacts of the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 on the other hand. To do this, I build a heterogenous agent, dynamic, general equilibrium model, which I calibrate using Hungarian income distribution data before […]

Wage Structure and Inequality: The role of observed and unobserved heterogeneity

This study aims to contribute to the literature of firms and occupations as prominent drivers of wage-inequality in multiple ways. First, we synthesize novel modelling approaches of recent studies in the field and use administrative linked employer-employee panel data from an Eastern European country, Hungary, to assess the contribution of individual, firm and job heterogeneity […]