KTI publication

Competition and Regulation

The Institute of Economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences launched a new series of publications entitled “Verseny és szabályozás” (Competition and Regulation) in 2007. Eight annual volumes have been published so far, all in Hungarian. The current volume is the first one in English, and it contains 12 selected translations from the crop of the first seven years. It offers the reader a glimpse into the current state of research in its chosen field in Hungary. The publication of this volume has been financially supported by the Hungarian Competition Authority.

Editors: Pál Valentiny, Ferenc László Kiss, Krisztina Antal-Pomázi, Csongor István Nagy


Pál Valentiny, Zombor Berezvai, Csongor István Nagy

The Institute of Economics, CERS launched a new series of publications entitled “Verseny és szabályozás” (Competition and Regulation) in 2007. Twelve annual volumes have been published so far in Hungarian. The current volume is the second one in English, and it contains 10 selected translations from the crop of the last four years. It offers the reader a glimpse into the current state of research in its chosen field in Hungary.




Pál Valentiny, Ferenc László Kiss, Krisztina Antal-Pomázi, Csongor István Nagy

The Institute of Economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences launched a new series of publications entitled “Verseny és szabályozás” (Competition and Regulation) in 2007. Eight annual volumes have been published so far, all in Hungarian. The current volume is the first one in English, and it contains 12 selected translations from the crop of the first seven years. It offers the reader a glimpse into the current state of research in its chosen field in Hungary. The publication of this volume has been financially supported by the Hungarian Competition Authority.