KTI publication

Labour Market Yearbook

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbooks series was launched in 2000. We had aimed from the beginning to provide up-to-date results of labour market researches and useful information on the Hungarian labour market tendencies as well as the legislative and institutional background of the employment policy for the GO and NGO organizations of the public employment services, the local governments, the public administration, educational and research establishments and the media. Our detailed analyses focus on a special key issue in each year. Our goal is to create comprehensive and transparently structured yearbooks, which describe both the main characteristics and internal connections of the Hungarian labour market trends based on the available statistics, pieces of theoretical research work and empirical analyses.

Series editor: Zoltán Hermann – senior research fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics

Editorial board:

  • Sándor Ádám – Head of Department, Ministry of Technology and Industry
  • Anikó Bíró – senior research fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Irén Busch – Head of Department, Ministry of Interior
  • Károly Fazekas – emeritus researcher, senior research fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Zoltán Hermann – senior research fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Dániel Horn – senior research fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Roland Kadlecsik – Head of Department, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
  • János Köllő – Databank head of profession, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Judit Lakatos – senior advisor, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
  • Balázs Reizer – senior research fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Ágnes Szabó-Morvai – senior research fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics
  • Álmos Telegdy – external collaborator, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics


Editors: Ágnes Szabó-Morvai, István Kónya, Judit Krekó

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook series was launched in 2000 by the Institute of Economics, in order to report on the processes and latest trends of the Hungarian labour market and employment policy, and provide an in-depth analysis of a particular subject each year.
In compiling the content of each yearbook, the intention of the editorial board is to deliver relevant and useful information on the labour market trends and the legislative and institutional background of employment policy in Hungary, and on the latest findings of Hungarian and international research studies.


The book can be downloaded in one file.



Editors: Károly Fazekas, Péter Elek, Tamás Hajdu

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook series was launched in 2000 by the Institute of Economics, in order to report on the processes and latest trends of the Hungarian labour market and employment policy, and provide an in-depth analysis of a particular subject each year.
In compiling the content of each yearbook, the intention of the editorial board is to deliver relevant and useful information on the labour market trends and the legislative and institutional background of employment policy in Hungary, and on the latest findings of Hungarian and international research studies.


The book can be downloaded in one file or by chapters:




Editors: Károly Fazekas, Márton Csillag, Zoltán Hermann, Ágota Scharle

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook presents characteristics of the Hungarian labour market and employment policy, and provides an in-depth analysis of a topical issue each year. It is an important focus for the analyses and data published in the yearbook series to serve as a good source of knowledge on the various topics of labour economics and human resources management. The yearbook series presents the main characteristics and trends of the Hungarian labour market in an international comparison based on the available statistical information, conceptual research and empirical analyses in a clearly structured and easily accessible format. Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we considered especially important from the perspective of understanding Hungarian labour market trends and the effectiveness of evidence-based employment policy. This year’s ‘In Focus’ revolves around education the labour market situation of youth.

The book can be downloaded in one file or by chapters:



Editors: Károly Fazekas, Ágnes Szabó-Morvai


The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook series was launched in the year 2000 by the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the support of the National Employment Foundation. The yearbook presents the actual characteristics of the Hungarian labour market and employment policy, and provides an in-depth analysis of a topical issue each year. The editorial board has striven to deliver relevant and useful information on trends in the Hungarian labour market, the legislative and institutional background of the employment policy, and up-to-date findings from Hungarian and international research studies to civil servants, staff of the public employment service, municipalities, NGOs, public administration offices, education and research institutions, the press and electronic media. An important aspect is that the various analyses and the data published in the yearbook series should provide a good source of knowledge for higher education on the different topics of labour economics and human resources management. The yearbook series presents the main characteristics and internal trends of the Hungarian labour market. Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we considered especially important from the perspective of understanding Hungarian labour market trends and  the effectiveness of evidence-based employment policy. Based on the decision of the editorial board the topic of ‘In Focus’ this year discusses the labour market situation of women.

The book can be downloaded in one file or by chapters:



Editors: Károly Fazekas János Köllő


The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook presents the actual characteristics of the Hungarian labour market and employment policy, and provides an in-depth analysis of a topical issue each year. The editorial board has striven to deliver relevant and useful information on trends in the Hungarian labour market, the legislative and institutional background of the employment policy, and up-to-date findings from Hungarian and international research studies to civil servants, staff of the public employment service, municipalities, NGOs, public administration offices, education and research institutions, the press and electronic media. The yearbook series presents the main characteristics and trends of the Hungarian labour market in an international comparison based on the available statistical information, conceptual research and empirical analysis in a clearly structured and easily accessible format. Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we considered especially important from the perspective of understanding Hungarian labour market trends and the effectiveness of evidence-based employment policy. The topic of In Focus chapter is the labour shortage in this year.

The book can be downloaded in one file (pdf) or by chapters:

The Hungarian labour market in 2016 (Tamás Bakó & Judit Lakatos)
In Focus: Labour shortage
Foreword by the editor (János Köllő)
1 Definition and measurement
1.1 How to define labour shortage (János Köllő, Daniella Nagy & István János Tóth)
1.2 “Labour shortage” in the Hungarian public discourse (István János Tóth & Zsanna Nyírő)
1.3 Trends in basic shortage indicators (János Köllő, Zsanna Nyírő & István János Tóth)
1.4 Distortions in vacancy statistics, corporate and job centre shortage reports (János Köllő & Júlia Varga)
1.5 Shortage and unemployment (János Köllő & Júlia Varga)
2 The “usual suspects” – demographic replacement and employment abroad
2.1 Demographic replacement (Zoltán Hermann & Júlia Varga)
2.2 The impact of demographic replacement on employment structure (Éva Czethoffer & János Köllő)
2.3 Labour emigration and labour shortage (Ágnes Hárs & Dávid Simon)
3 Recruitment difficulties, business opportunities and wages – enterprise-level analysis
3.1 Enterprises complaining about recruitment difficulties (István János Tóth & Zsanna Nyírő)
3.2 Manifest shortage – vacancies and idle capacities (Miklós Hajdu, János Köllő & István János Tóth)
3.3 Wage levels, manifest shortage, planned and actual pay rises (János Köllő, László Reszegi & István János Tóth)
3.4 Long-term trends in relative wages. are there any signs indicating shortage? (Éva Czethoffer & János Köllő)
4 Labour shortage and vocational education
4.1 Vocational training (János Köllő)
4.2 The career plans of 15 year olds: who wants to enter STEM? (Zsuzsa Blasko & Artur Pokropek)
5 The role of adaptability
5.1 What are the tendencies in demand? The appreciation of noncognitive skills (Károly Fazekas)
5.2 Labour mobility in Hungary (Júlia Varga)
5.3 Knowledge accumulation in adulthood (János Köllő)
5.4 Might training programmes ease labour shortage? The targeting and effectiveness of training programmes organised or financed by local employment offices of the Hungarian Public Employment Service (Anna Adamecz-Völgyi, Márton Csillag, Tamás Molnár & Ágota Scharle)
Labour market policy tools (April 2016 – May 2017) (Miklós Hajdu, Ágnes Makó, Fruzsina Nábelek & Zsanna Nyírő)
Index of tables and figures
Statistical data



Blaskó Zsuzsa, Fazekas Károly

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook furnishes the pre­sent-day characteristics of the Hungarian labour market and of the Hungar­ian employment policy, and features an in-depth analysis of a topical issue each year. The editorial board has striven to deliver relevant and use­ful information on trends in the Hungarian labour market, the legislative and institutional background of employment policy, and up-to-date findings from Hungarian and international research studies to civil servants, staff of the Em­ployment Service, municipalities, NGOs, public administration offices, educa­tion and research institutions, the press and electronic media. The yearbook series presents the main characteristics and trends of the Hungarian labour market in an international comparison us­ing available statistical information, conceptual research and empirical analysis in a clearly structured and easily accessible format. Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we con­sidered especially important from the perspective of understanding Hungar­ian labour market trends and the effectiveness of evidence-based employment policy. In 2015, In Focus addresses the issue of international migration.



Fazekas Károly, Varga Júlia

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook series was launched fifteen years ago by the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with support from the National Employment Foundation. The yearbook presents the main characteristics of the Hungarian labour market and of the Hungarian employment policy, and features an in-depth analysis of a topical issue each year. From the outset, the editorial board has striven to bring relevant and us¬able information on trends in the Hungarian labour market, the legislative and institutional background of employment policy, and up-to-date findings from Hungarian and international research studies to policy makers, civil servants, municipalities, NGOs, higher education and research institutions, the press and electronic media.
Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we considered especially important from the perspective of understanding Hungarian labour market trends and the effectiveness of evidence-based policies. Thus, this year the focus is on public works in Hungary.



Fazekas Károly, Neumann László

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook series was launched 14 years ago by the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Science with support from the National Employment Foundation (OFA). The yearbook presents the main characteristics of Hungarian employment policy and each year features an in-depth analysis of a topical issue. The current volume examines the characteristics of public sector employment. From the outset, the editorial board has striven to bring relevant and usable information on trends in the Hungarian labour market, the legislative and institutional background of employment policy, and up-to-date findings from Hungarian and international research to policy makers, civil servants, government officials, higher education and research institutions, and the press and electronic media. The research published in the yearbook series would also provide a good source of knowledge for higher education on the topics of labour economics and human resources management. The yearbook presents the main characteristics and trends of the Hungarian labour market in an international comparison using available statistical information, conceptual research and empirical analysis in a clearly structured and easily accessible format.



Fazekas Károly, Benczúr Péter, Telegdy Álmos

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook series was launched in 2000 with the support of the National Employment Non-Profit Public Company Ltd. The yearbook presents the main characteristics of Hungarian employment policy and each year features an in-depth analysis of a topical issue. The editorial board has striven, from the beginning, to provide up-to-date results of labour market research and useful information on the Hungarian labour market tendencies as well as the legislative and institutional background of the employment policy of the GO and NGO organizations of the public employment services, local governments, the public administration, educational and research organisations and – last but not least – for both the press and the electronic media. This year we have also created a clearly structured and easily accessible volume that presents the main characteristics and trends of the Hungarian labour market onthe basis of available statistics, conceptual research and empirical analysis. Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected areas that we consider especially important from the perspective of understanding labour market trends in Hungary and effective evidence-based policy making.



Fazekas Károly, Kézdi Gábor

The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbooks series was launched in 2000 with the support of the National Employment Non-Profit Public Company Ltd. The yearbook presents the main characteristics of Hungarian employment policy and features an indepth analysis of a topical issue each year. The editorial board has striven from the beginning to provide up-to-date results of labour market research and useful information on the Hungarian labour market tendencies as well as the legislative and institutional background of the employment policy for the GO and NGO organizations of the public employment services, the local governments, the public administration, educational and research organisations and – last but not least – for both the press and the electronic media. This year we have also created a clearly structured and easily accessible volume that presents the main characteristics and trends of the Hungarian labour market on the basis of available statistics, theoretical research and empirical analysis. Continuing our previous editorial practice, we selected an area that we consider especially important for the effectiveness of Hungarian employment policy: the impact evaluation of active labour market policies.



Fazekas Károly, Molnár György

The Hungarian Labour Market – Review and Analysis contains a review of the current developments in the labour market and employment policy, as well as an in-depth analysis of a subject area within the topic.
This year, we once again compiled a publication that details the characteristics of Hungarian labour market processes and their interrelations in an easily understandable, transparent structure based on the available statistics and on both theoretical and empirical research. In each chapter, we have understandably placed an emphasis on the presentation and analysis of the labour market consequences of the economic crisis.



Fazekas Károly, Lovász Anna, Telegdy Álmos

The series of our labour market yearbooks was launched with the goal of reviewing the main developments in the Hungarian labour market annually, and of giving an in-depth analysis of selected issues. In this volume the first part gives an overview of the labour market impact of the first year of the economic crisis, and the policy response to it. The second part analyzes characteristics of labour market discrimination and segregation. The introductory chapter of this section summarizes the different types of observable statistical differences between groups present in the labour market, introduces the standard economic models of labour market discrimination, and discusses non-discriminatory phenomena which may also lead to the observed between-group differences. The third part describes the legal and institutional environment of the Hungarian labour market in 2008-2009. The closing part presents a comprehensive collection of statistical data on labour related issues.