Inequality and mobility analysis by the Hungarian Rotation Panel, 1993-98Kapitány Zsuzsa-Molnár György:MT-DP 2002/4MT-DP 2002/4Kapitány Zsuzsa-Molnár György:Inequality and mobility analysis by the Hungarian Rotation Panel, 1993-98 2002
On the Stability of the Two-sector Neoclassical Growth Model with ExternalitiesBerthold Herrendorf and Valentinyi Ákos:MT-DP 2002/3MT-DP 2002/3Berthold Herrendorf and Valentinyi Ákos:On the Stability of the Two-sector Neoclassical Growth Model with Externalities 2002
Intra-Industry Trade in Horizontally and Vetically Differentiated Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EUFertő Imre-Lionel J. Hubbard:MT-DP 2002/2MT-DP 2002/2Fertő Imre-Lionel J. Hubbard:Intra-Industry Trade in Horizontally and Vetically Differentiated Agri-Food Products between Hungary and the EU 2002
Reforms as instruments sustaining and undermining the system The interactive party-state model as a framework for comparing China and HungaryCSANÁDI MÁRIAMT-DP 2001/1MT-DP 2001/1CSANÁDI MÁRIAReforms as instruments sustaining and undermining the system The interactive party-state model as a framework for comparing China and Hungary 2001
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Contagion and State Dependent MutationsIn Ho Lee, Szeidl Ádám, Valentinyi ÁkosMT-DP 2001/4MT-DP 2001/4In Ho Lee, Szeidl Ádám, Valentinyi ÁkosContagion and State Dependent Mutations 2001
Intra-industry trade in agri-food products between Hungary and the EUFertő Imre-Lionel J. HubbardMT-DP 2001/6MT-DP 2001/6Fertő Imre-Lionel J. HubbardIntra-industry trade in agri-food products between Hungary and the EU 2001
Preemptive Horizontal Mergers: Theory and EvidenceMolnár József:MT-DP 2002/13MT-DP 2002/13Molnár József:Preemptive Horizontal Mergers: Theory and Evidence 2002
Unofficial Economic Activities and Fiscal Discipline in HungarySemjén András-Tóth István János:MT-DP 2002/11MT-DP 2002/11Semjén András-Tóth István János:Unofficial Economic Activities and Fiscal Discipline in Hungary 2002
Vertical Co-ordination in Transition Agriculture: a Hungarian Co-operative Case StudyFertő Imre-Szabó G. Gábor:MT-DP 2002/10MT-DP 2002/10Fertő Imre-Szabó G. Gábor:Vertical Co-ordination in Transition Agriculture: a Hungarian Co-operative Case Study 2002
Determinacy Throught Intertemporal Capital Adjustment CostsBerthold Herrendorf-Valentinyi Ákos:MT-DP 2002/9MT-DP 2002/9Berthold Herrendorf-Valentinyi Ákos:Determinacy Throught Intertemporal Capital Adjustment Costs 2002