Persistence Effects in a Dynamic Discrete Choice Model. Application to Low-End Computer Servers.Lőrincz SzabolcsMT-DP. 2005/10MT-DP. 2005/10Lőrincz SzabolcsPersistence Effects in a Dynamic Discrete Choice Model. Application to Low-End Computer Servers. 2005
Imports and ProductivityHalpern László - Koren Miklós - Szeidl ÁdámMT-DP. 2005/09MT-DP. 2005/09Halpern László – Koren Miklós – Szeidl ÁdámImports and Productivity 2005
Estimating some labour market implications of skill biased technology change and imports in HungaryTarjáni HajnalkaMT-DP. 2005/08MT-DP. 2005/08Tarjáni HajnalkaEstimating some labour market implications of skill biased technology change and imports in Hungary 2005
Integrated Rural Development – The Concept and its OperationNemes GusztávMT-DP. 2005/06MT-DP. 2005/06Nemes GusztávIntegrated Rural Development – The Concept and its Operation 2005
The Politics of Rural Development in EuropeNemes GusztávMT-DP. 2005/05MT-DP. 2005/05Nemes GusztávThe Politics of Rural Development in Europe 2005
Firm Behaviour and Public Infrastructure: The Case of HungaryBékés Gábor - Muraközy BalázsMT-DP. 2005/04MT-DP. 2005/04Békés Gábor – Muraközy BalázsFirm Behaviour and Public Infrastructure: The Case of Hungary 2005
Does Privatization Raise Productivity?J.D. Brown - J.S. Earle -Á. TelegdyMT-DP. 2004/25MT-DP. 2004/25J.D. Brown – J.S. Earle -Á. TelegdyDoes Privatization Raise Productivity? 2004
Estimating the Structural Credit Risk Model when Equity Prices are Contaminated by Trading NoisesJin-Chuan Duan - Fülöp AndrásMT-DP. 2005/17MT-DP. 2005/17Jin-Chuan Duan – Fülöp AndrásEstimating the Structural Credit Risk Model when Equity Prices are Contaminated by Trading Noises 2005
Theories of Coalitional RationalityAmbrus AttilaMT-DP. 2005/16MT-DP. 2005/16Ambrus AttilaTheories of Coalitional Rationality 2005
Vertical Coordination by Contracts in Agribusiness: An Empirical Research in the Hungarian Dairy SectorSzabó G. Gábor - Bárdos KrisztinaMT-DP. 2005/15MT-DP. 2005/15Szabó G. Gábor – Bárdos KrisztinaVertical Coordination by Contracts in Agribusiness: An Empirical Research in the Hungarian Dairy Sector 2005
Economic Development, Exchange Rates, and the Structure of TradeKónya IstvánMT-DP. 2005/14MT-DP. 2005/14Kónya IstvánEconomic Development, Exchange Rates, and the Structure of Trade 2005
Nominal growth of a small open economyBenczúr Péter - Kónya IstvánMT-DP. 2006/09MT-DP. 2006/09Benczúr Péter – Kónya IstvánNominal growth of a small open economy 2006