Price Rigidity and Strategic Uncertainty – An Agent-based ApproachRóbert Somogyi - János Vincze:MT-DP 2011/35MT-DP 2011/35Róbert Somogyi – János Vincze:Price Rigidity and Strategic Uncertainty – An Agent-based Approach 2011
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The Shapley Value for Airport and Irrigation GamesJudit Márkus - Miklós Pintér - Anna RadványiMT-DP 2012/7MT-DP 2012/7Judit Márkus – Miklós Pintér – Anna RadványiThe Shapley Value for Airport and Irrigation Games 2012
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Stochastic Bankruptcy GamesHelga Habis - P. Jean-Jacques HeringsMT-DP 2012/5MT-DP 2012/5Helga Habis – P. Jean-Jacques HeringsStochastic Bankruptcy Games 2012
Tax Morale and Tax Evasion: Social Preferences and Bounded RationalityZsombor Z. Méder - András Simonovits - János VinczeMT-DP 2012/3MT-DP 2012/3Zsombor Z. Méder – András Simonovits – János VinczeTax Morale and Tax Evasion: Social Preferences and Bounded Rationality 2012
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Monetary transmission in three central European economies: evidence from time-varying coefficient vector autoregressionsZsolt DarvasMT-DP 2012/19MT-DP 2012/19Zsolt DarvasMonetary transmission in three central European economies: evidence from time-varying coefficient vector autoregressions 2012
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