Working Papers

Portfolio valuation under liquidity constraints with permanent price impact

Péter Csóka - Judit Hevér

MTDP 2017/36

MTDP 2017/36
Péter Csóka – Judit Hevér
Portfolio valuation under liquidity constraints with permanent price impact


Liability Games

Péter Csóka - P. Jean-Jacques Herings

MTDP 2017/35

MTDP 2017/35
Péter Csóka – P. Jean-Jacques Herings
Liability Games


The Impact of Parenthood on the Gender Wage Gap – a Comparative Analysis of 26 European Countries

Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska - Anna Lovász

BWP – 2017/15

BWP – 2017/15
Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska – Anna Lovász
The Impact of Parenthood on the Gender Wage Gap – a Comparative Analysis of 26 European Countries


Human Capital Effects of Kindergarten and School Enrolment Timing

Ágnes Szabó-Morvai - Dániel Horn - Anna Lovász - Kristof De Witte

BWP - 2017/14

BWP – 2017/14
Ágnes Szabó-Morvai – Dániel Horn – Anna Lovász – Kristof De Witte
Human Capital Effects of Kindergarten and School Enrolment Timing


EU-wide income inequality in the era of the Great Recession

Péter Benczúr – Zsombor Cseres-Gergely – Péter Harasztosi

BWP – 2017/13

BWP – 2017/13
Péter Benczúr – Zsombor Cseres-Gergely – Péter Harasztosi
EU-wide income inequality in the era of the Great Recession


FDI-flows and reinvested earnings: measurement, perceptions and pitfalls in interpretation

Gábor Oblath

MTDP 2017/34

MTDP 2017/34
Gábor Oblath
FDI-flows and reinvested earnings: measurement, perceptions and pitfalls in interpretation


Stable project allocation under distributional constraints

Kolos Csaba Ágoston - Péter Biró - Richárd Szántó

MTDP 2017/33

MTDP 2017/33
Kolos Csaba Ágoston – Péter Biró – Richárd Szántó
Stable project allocation under distributional constraints


Money Illusion. Reconsidered in the Light of Cognitive Science.

János Vincze

MTDP 2017/32

MTDP 2017/32
János Vincze
Money Illusion
Reconsidered in the Light of Cognitive Science


Health Differences at Birth between Roma and Non-Roma Children in Hungary Long-Run Trends and Decompositions

Tamás Hajdu - Gábor Kertesi - Gábor Kézdi

BWP – 2017/12

BWP – 2017/12
Tamás Hajdu – Gábor Kertesi – Gábor Kézdi
Health Differences at Birth between Roma and Non-Roma Children in Hungary
Long-Run Trends and Decompositions


Parental Job Loss, Secondary School Completion and Home Environment

Tamás Hajdu - Gábor Kertesi - Gábor Kézdi

BWP – 2017/11

BWP – 2017/11
Tamás Hajdu – Gábor Kertesi – Gábor Kézdi
Parental Job Loss, Secondary School Completion and Home Environment